Mary Endico selfie Warwick Dog Park, 05/06/2022
Click for 1 page printable
narrative bio
ENDICO haute conduite
non-objective paintings
are included in the permanent collections of the Asheville Museum of Art,
the Kentucky Art Museum, and the Chester Historical Society as well as
public and private collections
throughout the United States and 21 countries worldwide. This is not
surprising considering the quality and character of her work.
image at left links to an extra large example of Mary's
haute conduite style of watercolor which is often mistaken for
acrylic but is actually pure aqueous watercolor and is on permanent
exhibition in Sugar Loaf, NY.
In fact due to her precise mastery of the medium many of her paintings in
all styles might be mistaken for acrylic, but they are not.
If you have a fast Internet
connection click the image to view a
extra large image showing more detail of Mary Endico's handling of
watercolor and brush stroke. It is best viewed by opening it in an
image editing program such as Photoshop, because your browser may distort
color and aspect ratio making it grungy and squashed.
In fact, no digital or print medium
can do any more than vaguely approximate the rich dynamic content of
the original. Drop by the
studio for proof.
Mary is the
progenitor of the
conduite style of watercolor art, and her web site (that you are now
viewing), provides samples of Mary's work categorized by paintings that are
available for purchase, those already acquired by
permanent museum
collections, plus those existing in
private collections
or those saved and selected for viewing in her
online archives.
Mary Endico's
winning watercolors push the limits of color, design and perspective,
as they often remain stripped of objective content. As such they present to the
viewer a natural gateway and insight into the basic metaphors of conscious
After 17 years working as
a full time professional artist, using traditional translucent technique,
Mary embarked on a journey to combine the studio practices of oil and
acrylics (such as scumbling, dragging and rubbing) into her established
wet-on-wet watercolor process while retaining pure aqueous materials. In
the years since, she has succeeded in enriching the syntax and pushing the
boundaries of the watercolor lexicon.
She states, "I
choose wet-on-wet watercolor technique as my primary medium because of its
dynamic and exciting nature—immediate and unforgiving. As soon as the
water is applied the stopwatch is triggered. Then every stroke counts
against you. Mistakes cannot be re-worked or edited, so careful
pre-planning is a must. It is satisfying to succeed with colors that are
crisp, clean and unmuddied, which maintains the composition’s integrity
and, at the same time, expands the watercolor
All Endico originals are painted using museum quality materials and
conservation technique to insure the work will survive generations.
Mary Endico has been a professional watercolorist for nearly a half century.
In 2001 the National Watercolor Society
elected Mary to signature membership. She is included in
Who's Who in America and Who's Who in American Women. Mary graduated from Boston University in 1976 with a
Bachelor of Fine Arts . She also enjoys signature membership to the
Kentucky Watercolor Society and the North East Watercolor Society
where she serves on the Board of Directors. Formerly, Mary was a Signature
Member of Knickerbocker Artists and an Artist Member of the
Salmagundi Club in New York City.
Her work is exhibited
nationally and internationally in juried museum and gallery competitions.
In addition to being
selected for numerous awards,
Mary supports artistic merit by sponsoring award programs for selected art
organizations. In her active career Mary has been a guest
lecturer, juror and watercolor demonstrator—as well as an artist consultant
for D’Arches fine art papers. Early on she was published in Art
Of Young America.
Selected National
National Arts Club, National Watercolor
Society, American Watercolor Society, Audubon Artists, Knickerbocker Artists, San Diego Watercolor
Society, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Club, Hudson Valley Artists, Mamaroneck
Artist's Guild, National Exhibition of American Watercolors, Georgia
Watercolor Society, Art of Rockland and Orange County Invitational, Pikes
Peak Watercolor Society, Pittsburgh Aqueous, Louisiana International,
Kentucky Watercolor Society, Midlantic Regional, Pennsylvania Society of
Watercolor Painters, Salmagundi Club, Allied Artists, Northeast Watercolor
Society and the International Society of Experimental Artists. For an
extended listing with awards:
![Sugar Loaf, NY [June, 14 2007]](/bio/images/mary/EndicoInStudio.jpg)
Mary at work in her studio, Sugar Loaf, NY.

![Mary over commission work in progress. [March 2014]](/bio/images/mary/OverPalmPainting.jpg)

Composite of Mary giving a rare demonstration
photos by: Matt Feichter
![Sugar Loaf, NY [June 14, 2007]](/bio/images/mary/ThinkingCloseup.jpg)
![Fort de Soto Park, FL [March, 21 2008]](/images/Mary/FortDeSoto2.jpg)

Her name can pop up anywhere.

Mary amongst the rodo's, Chimney Rock, NC
photo by: Steve Ambra 02/96
this page last updated: 05/07/2022
09:04:18 PM